7. Using Venn diagram have students identify the similarities and differences between Korea, Vietnam, and Afghanistan as Cold War proxy wars. There is no inherent reason why the NATO and U.S. war in Afghanistan must follow the pattern of the Soviet war. The differences between the two outweigh the similarities, especially in what most Afghans want for their country. The Soviet–Afghan War was a conflict wherein insurgent groups (known collectively as the Mujahideen), as well as smaller Maoist groups, fought a nine-year guerrilla war against the Soviet Army and the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan government throughout the 1980s, mostly in the Afghan countryside.  The first and most glaring area of commonality to me between the two is the way in which the enemy is allowed sanctuary. The Vietnam war was inflicted by the cause of North Vietnam trying to bring communism throughtout the South Vietnam, as allies of South Vietnam the United states joined South Vietnam at war. Failure to have taken account of stressor exposure in the analyses is an alternative explanation of why the VES found little concordance between survey report and medical examination findings. In both cases an authentic superpower found itself enmeshed in unanticipated land warfare as a logical consequence of aggressively pursued internat... The Korean war was more related to Communism and politics, while the war in Afghanistan was related to terrorism which, in this case, had to do with religion. 1. The U.S. intervention in Vietnam was entirely different. Substantial differences were found, however, between Vietnam veterans who reported high versus low–moderate exposure to war-zone stressors. As compared to Vietnam War veterans, most Iraqi War and Afghan War veterans went to war at a younger age, included proportionately more females and more often they had held jobs before their enlistment. There are differences between the present Afghanistan War and the Soviet Union invasion. For the last several decades, there has been little real effort to examine the costs of key missions and strategic commitments Notable differences were also found between female and male veterans of the Iraq/Afghanistan war. World War II, 30 percent of the Americans injured in combat died.3 In Vietnam, the proportion dropped to 24 percent. Most Americans fighting in Vietnam were drafted; in Afghanistan, all were volunteers. There are major differences between the two conflicts, however. Second, Vietnam began as an insurgency and escalated into a conventional war; in Iraq, the war started as a conventional invasion and deteriorated into a guerrilla war. Vietnam and Afghanistan Wars are very different. COVID-19 Worries Return to Vietnam. Basically, the Vietnam War was a microcosm of the Cold War during that time period. The United States intervened in Afghanistan in 2001 on the side of the Northern Alliance to topple the Taliban Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan only after the country had been used as a base for the 9/11 attacks on the United States. It was the desire to spread communism versus the desire to stop it. The US force went in knowing the units had to fight in addition to securing cities and installations. The average tour in Vietnam was … 16. The Gulf War was largely fought from the air and sea, and by tank while the Iraq War was an infantry war, with very different tactics. This demonstrates the cold war stale mate between the Soviet Union and the United States. Although as the war went on the decision-making of Lyndon Johnson and his Tuesday lunch … Between 1969 and 1972, Mr. Nixon pulled out our troops, while promising to continue military aid to South Vietnam. ^ One of us has also written on the similarities of the Afghan War with the Vietnam War: Thomas H. Johnson and W. Chris Mason, “Refighting the Last War: Afghanistan and the Vietnam Template,” Military Review, November-December, 2009, pp. Perhaps the biggest difference between Vietnam and the campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq is the American attitude toward death. In Vietnam, troops served one year tours. In some cases, soldiers were flown into battle and killed before anyone learned their names. This was accepted as a fact of war at the time. At $100 billion a year (seven times the gross domestic product of Afghanistan) this war is feeding a deficit … Afghanistan War, international conflict beginning in 2001 that was triggered by the September 11 attacks. U.S. forces quickly toppled the Taliban (the faction that ruled Afghanistan and provided sanctuary for al-Qaeda) in the first months of the war, only to face years of insurgency led by a reconstituted Taliban. This paper will be explaining the similarities, and differences, between the Vietnam War and the War in Afghanistan. U.S. In Vietnam, there was a clear civil war between competing political philosophies, prior to foreign involvement. However, the phrase is typically used to refer just to the war in Afghanistan. The military objective in Southeast Asia was to insure a free, independent South Vietnam… Read impacts of Vietnam War on worksheet. Both wars involved a foreign power intervening in an internal war between the government and its people in order to prop up an unpopular government. Although communist North Vietnam quickly violated this treaty and attacked South Vietnam after the US pulled out, both the Korean and Vietnam wars ended in some concessions for both sides. The Vietnam War was different than any other war that the United States had fought to that point. This was largely because it was not mainly a war between armies. The major enemy for the US was more of a guerrilla organization that did not fight traditional battles. This was also different than other US wars because it was not a war ... In both wars, American forces were teamed up with … Although communist North Vietnam quickly violated this treaty and attacked South Vietnam after the US pulled out, both the Korean and Vietnam wars ended in some concessions for both sides. Afghanistan War - Afghanistan War - The Obama surge: U.S. Pres. The Pentagon Papers helped enshrine in the public lexicon the idea of a “credibility gap”: the difference between what government officials were telling Americans about how the Vietnam War … The Parallels Between the Vietnam War and the Afghanistan War While Obama has a strategy to prevent failure, there's not much evidence that … An example of this is the Vietnam War. The only legitimate analogy between the Vietnam War and Iraq would have to be limited to the first Gulf War. The People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) had overthrown the Mohammad Daoud government in April 1978 and then engaged in bloody infighting and ambitious reforms that shocked Afghanistan’s largely rural and conservative population into rebellion. Afghanistan and Iraq combat Veterans can receive cost-free medical care for any condition related to their service in the theater of war for five years after the date of their discharge or release. The US war in Afghanistan is retaliation against aggression from elements inside the country on September 11 th, 2001. There appeared to be differences between WWII and Vietnam war vets, and those were different from Iraq/Afghanistan vets. The war in Vietnam provoked an outcry at home that would define a legacy shared by no U.S. war before or since. Whereas the U.S. has a current number of roughly 3,500 troops in Afghanistan, it had 25,000 troops left in Vietnam by the time of the agreement with communist North Vietnam … This demonstrates the cold war stale mate between the Soviet Union and the United States. After testing several possibilities, they ordered seven hundred Remington Model 40x rifles (target/varmint version of the Model 700 bolt-action rifle), and gave them the M40 designation. The Vietnam War is a different story. The Afghanistan war and global counterterrorism efforts were more successful. Johnson's foolishness included running the Vietnam war "on the cheap." At least as many U.S. soldiers have been injured in combat in this war as in the Revolutionary War, the War of There are many essential differences between the civil war that divided Vietnam and the Taliban insurgency that plagues Afghanistan, just … Despite the differences, there … For the most part, we didn’t trust our allies. The Vietnam War lasted from 1964-1973—the longest war in American history until it was overtaken by the one in Afghanistan—and servicemen typically did one-year tours of duty. So the extent of the US military presence in Afghanistan was never anything like in previous wars. The Mujahideen were variously backed primarily by the United States, Pakistan, Iran, … On the otherhand the Afghanistan war was an act of retaliation to the "9/11 Incident" and to also remove the Taliban from power in Kabul. For me there is one noticeable difference between the 2 wars. Vietnam was based on our interest in stopping communism whereas Afghanistan was more... 9. But there are stark differences between the plight of South Vietnam and Afghanistan, which is not under any imminent threat from its neighbors who tend to meddle, particularly Pakistan. The Vietnam War represents the fight between communism and capitolism, the fight of the Cold War. New Zealand–United States relations refers to international relations between New Zealand and the United States of America.According to the U.S. State Department, relations as of August 2011 are "the best they have been in decades." This is a MAJOR difference between Iraq and Vietnam. SIMILARITIES. As the United States and NATO are about to initiate a … Therefore it was not just a war between North and South Vietnam but a proxy war between the Soviet Union and America. 2001 Afghans carry a picture of Massood in Kabul, Afghanistan. Afghanistan war happened because of international counterterrorism operation mixed up in a tribal civil war whereas Vietnam war happened because of superpowers over laid on top of a national liberation movement. I would like to do this in a highly personal way because I am not an historian or war correspondent. In Iraq, this was not the case, when foreign powers entered the country to depose the government and institute a new regime from whole cloth. ... but progress was slow due to serious differences between the two sides. The Soviets brought with them, in December 1979, a new president for Afghanistan, Babrak Karmal, who they instal… New Zealand is a major non-NATO ally of the United States.. But their treatment by government and civilians were completely different. Download Venn diagram doc. 2-14. At $100 billion a year (seven times the gross domestic product of Afghanistan) this war is feeding a deficit … Afghanistan has a population of 30 million and, at the height of the war, had 130,000 soldiers on the ground. One of the striking aspects of American military power is how little serious attention is spent on examining the key elements of its total cost by war and mission, and the linkage between the use of resources and the presence of an effective strategy. Among the differences between the Vietnam and Afghanistan theater conflicts is that the latter is not being run by Lyndon Johnson, whose policies for Vietnam assured the US of costly defeat. When looking at the two wars, the Afghanistan war […] 3.OUR ARMY - Easily the most controversial aspect of the Vietnam war - and the main spur to the anti-war movement - involved the draft of literally … Each war was placed in a totally different theater around the globe. Most had a Redfield 3–9 power Accurange variable scope mounted. Marking the fifth anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, Ron Nessen relfects on the lessons of the Vietnam War forty years after the Tet offensive and My Lai massacre. There are plenty of ways to compare and contrast the Vietnam and Iraq war. They may also be eligible for one-time dental services, but must apply for those services within 180 days of their separation date from active duty. NVA/Viet Cong were only Vietnam was America's longest conflict, spanning 12 years between 1961 and 1973, until our involvement in Afghanistan continued into its 13th year in 2014. 8. WELNA: There are major differences between these wars. Vietnam War is a typical proxy war during the Cold War under the influence of the U.S., Soviet Union and, to a large extent, China. There are some wars that are inevitable, and then there are those who are not. In my opinion, the Vietnam war is one of those that are not. Actions... The Vietnam War was different than any other war that the United States had fought to that point. Which leads me to the main differences—first, we’re waging the war in Afghanistan with an all-volunteer military, whereas in Vietnam we had a draft. The average tour in Vietnam was … Difference Between Cold War and Vietnam War; Difference Between Proxy war and cold war; Differene Between The Cold War And The Korean War; Difference Between Berlin Wall and Cold War; Difference Between The Cold War And The Post Cold War In Vietnam it was sanctuaries in Cambodia and Laos, in Afghanistan it is in the oft cited “tribal regions” of Pakistan’s Northwest Territories. Students are to research the Afghan War and be guided by the table. In both wars the US wins almost every military confrontation but the enemies prolong conflict through guerilla/insurgent activities in the hopes that prolonged conlflict and casualties will turn public opinion against the war forcing the US to pull out. Afghanistan vs. Vietnam. Barack Obama went to the White House promising to focus attention and resources on the faltering war effort in Afghanistan. Militarily, during ‘Tet’ the VC and NVA were hammered, but it was not apparent to those in the United States at the time. The operation was originall… Korean War veterans share a similarity to WWII veterans in many areas. There are many topics that bring these two wars together. At the time, politically, both the ‘Tet’ offensive and the ‘surge’ in Iraq were defeats for the United States. However, I am only going to be talking about public support, policy objectives, military strategy, weapons, fighting spirit, links to home, and death totals. First things first, I'll assume by Afghanistan war, you mean the Soviet war in Afghanistan. Returning Troops From Iraq And Afghanistan Are Different From Our Vietnam Vets This new group of active military knows what's happening to them, to a much greater extent. The tourniquet's use in Afghanistan highlights what Glasser says is a fundamental difference between modern warfare and Vietnam, or anything … The stated goal of the Afghan conflict … Following the September 11 attacks in 2001 on the U.S., which was carried out by the Al-Qaeda terrorist organization led by Osama bin Laden, who was living or hiding in Afghanista There's been a push to educate our troops and the general public about posttraumatic stress. ... it is on the left that the differences between Vietnam and the current conflict are most obvious. So much for the similarities, the differences between Afghanistan and Vietnam are that the United States was attacked by Al Qaeda and the war is against Al Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan. In Vietnam, troops served one year tours. Korean War veterans share a similarity to WWII veterans in many areas. Differences between Afghan War and Iraqi War veterans and Vietnam War veterans include age, gender and marital status. By comparison, Vietnam in the 1960s was also a country of 30 million people, and in 1968, there were 500,000 US soldiers there. This was largely because it was not mainly a war between armies. Students to complete table on Vietnam War. Now, when one studies both conflicts deeply enough, he/ she may come to learn of several differences between the internal workings of both of them. This was accepted as a fact of war at the time. 11. "The United States spent more on the Iraq war in real terms than it did on the Vietnam War," notes MIT defense scholar Barry Posen in his formidable new … In Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan, the U.S. military found itself in a position where it could avoid losing a stake, but without a credible plan for winning it. Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF; 2001 - current) OEF is the official name used for the War in Afghanistan, together with three smaller military actions, under the umbrella of the Global War on Terror. Afghanistan is much more ethnically diverse, with deep tribal links. 2. And the cost of the Afghanistan war already exceeds the cost of the Vietnam and Korean Wars combined, even in inflation-adjusted dollars. I majored in Asian Studies and then got a master's … My first answer on Quora, EVER better go anonymous though, for this issue is quite.... lets just call it "inappropriate" as would the CCP government. In both Iraq and Afghanistan, by 2003 Mr. Bush sought total victory—defined as building both societies into stable democracies. The Taliban, which rose from the ashes of Afghanistan’s post-Soviet civil war, provides al-Qaeda sanctuary for operations. The British historian Max Hastings, author of the recent book “Vietnam, an Epic Tragedy 1945-1975,” said he sees many similarities between Vietnam and Afghanistan. Despite these claims I have still noticed that there are many comparisons that have been made between the war in Iraq and the Vietnam War. In the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, about 10 percent of those injured have died. One of the biggest differences between the Vietnam War and the Iraq War is the manner in which the military has drawn its manpower. The Cold War was the third world war of the 20th century – itself part of what some have called the Long War or the Seventy-Five Years’ War of 1914-1989. And the cost of the Afghanistan war already exceeds the cost of the Vietnam and Korean Wars combined, even in inflation-adjusted dollars. In some cases, soldiers were flown into battle and killed before anyone learned their names. The Cold War was developed after World War II, a series of years that intensified military and political differences between the United States, Soviet Union, and their allies. Women had fewer interpersonal and economic supports, had greater exposure to different types of trauma, and had different levels of diverse types of pathology than their male counterparts. in ww1 they did not have the technology we have now. Similarities: apathetic local populations (most people just want to be left alone), corrupt puppet governments, heavy use of air power to neutraliz... While the Soviets supported the communist north of Vietnam, the United States supplied the anti-communist south with weapons and fighters. When he resigned from office in disgrace, his promise counted for nothing. The first and perhaps most critical difference between the two wars is over goals and objectives. The United States intervened in Afghanistan in 2001 on the side of the Northern Alliance to topple the Taliban Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan only after the country had been used as a base for the 9/11 attacks on the United States. Yet Bruce Riedel writes that in many ways describes the U.S. role in Afghanistan … By the time the Paris peace negotiations began in earnest in 1972, that war was deeply and irredeemably unpopular in the United States. There had been wide spread protest all over the world against the military campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq. First things first, I'll assume by Afghanistan war, you mean the Soviet war in Afghanistan. Now, when one studies both conflicts deeply enough, he/... There are no similarities between the two wars other than the fact that the British and Americans were allied and … Difference Between Afghanistan and Iraq war Afghanistan vs Iraq war The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are the major military campaigns that the US government has been leading for the last so many years. On February 17, 2009, he approved sending an additional 17,000 U.S. troops, on top of the 36,000 U.S. troops and 32,000 NATO service members already there. Standard times are shown as positive or negative deviations of UTC, that's why time differences are calculated by determining UTC and calculating each time zone from there. The striking similarity to me is that in both cases, the USA claimed that they were training the army of their puppet government to take over the d... The United States expanded the Vietnam War into countries throughout Southeast Asia such as Laos and Cambodia while the Soviets and the Afghans remained primarily in Afghanistan The Viet Cong were communist and let anobody who was communist join but … Perhaps the biggest difference between Vietnam and the campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq is the American attitude toward death. As of today, June 7, 2010, the war in Afghanistan has lasted 104 months, surpassing Vietnam as the longest war in American history. Die-hard Vietnamese nationalist here. You have to understand the power of China is totally different story comparing to Vietnam. What does China ha... The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan on Christmas Day of 1979 ostensibly to rescue a failing Communist government. One of the Vietnam veterans, Ed Barick, 73, a retired truck driver who lives in San Diego, served as a US army engineer from 1964-67 and returned to a nation that was deeply opposed to the war. Of the 2.5 million soldiers who served in Vietnam during the war, there were three distinct groups of GIs: draftees, draft-motivated "volunteers," and "true" volunteers. I fought in Vietnam in 1969 and 1970. I was an infantry advisor and during the last four months there I was with the 5th Special Forces. During WWI... First, in size and scope, the Vietnam War simply dwarfs the war in Iraq. American forces invaded Afghanistan in … Many people have viewed Vietnam as a completely different war from the current one in Iraq. Different enemy. Different terrain. Different tactics. Different Enemy: The North Koreans were a far different adversary than the North Vietnamese,... In total war, the goal of the government has been to bring about the surrender of the enemy; The objective military function is to achieve the enemy’s surrender at a minimal cost of resources/ national treasure The Vietnam War is a different story. In Vietnam, the most disastrous consequences of U.S. defeat did … Here is where the differences between Afghanistan and Vietnam are all-important. Senator John McCain (R-AZ), a member of the U.S. Congress from 1983 until his death in office in 2018, a two-time U.S. presidential candidate, and the nominee of the Republican Party in the 2008 U.S. Presidential election, took positions on many political issues through his public comments, his presidential campaign statements, and his senatorial voting record. 10. Simple. The draft. The protests during Vietnam were not so much a protest against the war, as they were a protest against the draft. The majority o... It is clear, from an operational and strategic standpoint, Vietnam and Iraq are very different conflicts. Some 775,477 U.S. veterans and service members have deployed to Afghanistan since the U.S. war there began after the 9/11 terrorist attacks … The Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-19 (Russian: Микоян и Гуревич МиГ-19; NATO reporting name: Farmer) is a Soviet second generation, single-seat, twinjet fighter aircraft, the world's first mass-produced supersonic aircraft.It was the first Soviet production aircraft capable of supersonic speeds in level flight. The Vietnam War was a long andcostly armed conflict between the communist regime of North Vietnam who joined forces with its southern allies, also know as the Viet Cong, and South Vietnam and their principle ally, know as the United States of America. The first and perhaps most critical difference between the two wars is over goals and objectives. Comparing and contrasting the Vietnam War vs. the on going Afghanistan War--You can edit this template on Creately's Visual Workspace to get started quickly.Adapt it to suit your needs by changing text and adding colors, icons, and other design elements. Parallels between Vietnam and Afghanistan by Ingrid Naiman. WWII and Vietnam Veterans put their lives on the line for their country. Adam Wunische argues that “the parallels between Afghanistan and Vietnam are becoming uncomfortably similar.” Those parallels extend to casualties. During the Vietnam War, the Marine Corps decided they needed a standard sniper rifle. During the Vietnam War, between 1955 and 1984, fifty-eight thousand Americans lost their lives, as well as over three-million Vietnamese lost theirs. Limited War: Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War I, Gulf War II, Afghanistan were all characterized by the restrained use of weapons and military options. A friend asked me to compare Vietnam and Afghanistan. The Vietnam War and Iraq. The Korean War and The Afghanistan War were two major events in the cold war, but both shared some differences and similarities. In Afghanistan, the United States looks just like the British and the Russians, there is little difference to the local people. In such a situation, context decides whether settling for what amounts to a protracted holding action is strategically wise for a great power. Comparisons of Vietnam and Iraq, two wars that could not be more different, is a case in point. Time differences between time zones are simple to work out due to the Universal Time Coordinated (UTC). A country rarely fights the same war twice in one generation, especially from opposite sides. While the Gulf War was over in 42 days, the Iraq War lasted for almost a decade.
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