Preparation of a National Adaptation Plan (NAP) for Bhutan, with a focus on the water sector Background The fragile mountainous ecosystem is becoming more vulnerable to the increasing threats from climate change, affecting climate sensitive sectors such as hydropower, agriculture, and tourism. Related. Based on qualitative and quantitative review of existing documents as well as information gathered through interviews conducted with development professionals in Nepal, several … A national workshop developed a common understanding on how best to advance the NAP process, with a view to integrating adaptation into socioeconomic and environmental policies. The same study determined that the countries least at risk from climate change are the Scandinavian nations and Ireland. The National Adaptation Programme and the third strategy for climate adaptation reporting Ref: ISBN 978-1-5286-0758-2 , CCS0718089334 07/18 , HC 1403 2018-19 PDF , 7.29MB , 128 pages Order a copy National Adaptation Plan Formulation Process: Synthesis Report. Download File. Objective of NAP2. GCF approves first grants for National Adaptation Planning in Liberia and Nepal. agreements to which Nepal is a Party. The vulnerable climate-sensitive sectors identified in Nepal's National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) to Climate Change 2010 include agriculture, forestry, water, energy, public health, urbanization and infrastructure, and climate-induced disasters. NAPA Vs. NAP3. 1. Documents Filter. The data presented here are a part of Climate Change Scenarios for Nepal report which has been developed through the collaborative efforts of the MoFE, the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM), the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), FutureWater, the NAP expert team, Action on Climate Today, and Practical Action for National Adaptation Plan (NAP) … Share. Theme. Nepal National Adaptation Plan Formulation Process. Number of developing countries b. As a response to the request of the Government of Nepal, UNEP is executing the Green Climate Fund (GCF) funded project entitled "Building Capacity to Advance National Adaptation Plan Process in Nepal. We will introduce climate resilient adaptation plans in all 753 Local Levels by 2030. NAP in UNFCCC4. VII.Push and assist the government of Nepal to develop a national Climate Action Plan that would consider national adaptation strategies as well as national emissions mitigation strategies that would reduce GHG emissions in Nepal to net-zero. National Adaptation Plan Formulation Process (NAP) is about identifying medium and long term adaptation … Gender Affairs and M&E Officer for National Adaptation Plan Process in Nepal UN Environment Programme Sep 2019 - Present 1 year 9 months. Source(s): Nepal - government The assessment of impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability in Nepal’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process evaluates how patterns of risk or potential benefit are shifting due to climate change, and considers how impacts and risks related to climate change can be reduced and managed through adaptation. The groundwork for supporting NAPs is considered, covering the policy, planning and budgetary framework, priority adaptation sectors, climate assessments, the implementation of adaptation actions and plans thus far. LEARNINGS FROM NEPAL’S NATIONAL ADAPTATION PLAN FORMULATION PROCESS . Nepal will submit enhanced NDCs by the end of this year and develop an ambitious Long-Term Strategy to reach net zero scenario by 2050. The focus will be on promoting understanding of climate change, adaptation and mitigation, energy … NAP Guidelines5. 26 July 2018: A report launched by the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network reflects on Nepal’s NAP process to date. This country brief focuses on the process to formulate and implement National Adaptation Plans in Nepal. Theme. Prioritizing activities to be taken in the near-term, the report synthesizes knowledge gained from the early stages of the Plan’s formulation, and informs coming steps in the process, which is being undertaken with support from the Green Climate Fund (GCF). These documents serve as Nepal’s roadmap for the country-level implementation of the Sendai Framework for DRR (2015-2030). NAP for Nepal 3. The NDCs of Nepal contain fourteen targets mostly taken from existing sectoral policies, including the formulation of a National Adaptation Plan which is … NAPA was developed as a requirement under the UNFCCC to access funding for the most urgent and immediate adaptation needs from the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF). Authors. Also, since women and children are prime victims of any disaster, gender sensitive adaptation plan and actions is obligatory. This report reflects on Nepal’s UNEP & National Adaptation Plans There are two avenues through which UNEP supports the development of NAPs: The National Adaptation Plan Global Support Programme (NAP-GSP) – This project, funded by the Global Environment Facility, is run jointly with UNDP and provides support to over 45 countries. A factsheet for each country or organisation is describing the adaptation M&E system in detail including the institutional arrangements, the M&E method and the data and indicators used. Nepal will submit enhanced NDCs by the end of this year and develop an ambitious Long-Term Strategy to reach net zero scenario by 2050. Mr. Lekha Nath Acharya, who works as a Joint Secretary for the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Nepal, shares in this video his views about the importance of integrating the agriculture sectors in the country’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP). According to the national capacity self-assessment report from 2008, there is a lack of capacity for climate risk management in Nepal, which explains the weak policy design. The project aims to enhance institutional coordination mechanism and put in place the capacity for informed decision-making which will lead to changing the behaviour and mind-set of the Nepalese society and decision-makers in the government such that climate change adaptation becomes a part of Nepal’s development strategy and plans. It is therefore not a stand-alone … Adaptation plans need to be developed on the basis of a strong scientific foundation and reliable evidence. A recent workshop in Dar es Salaam explored how National Adaptation Plan guidelines might be applied in practice. Summary. Yet the country’s diverse topography and ecosystems also make it difficult to detect patterns and plan national responses. 4 Disaster Risk Reduction National Strategic Plan of Action 2018 – 2030 Nepal has been ranked in 11th position as the most risk prone country in the world in terms of earthquake, and 30th position in terms of flood and landslide. HNAP development is critical for: ensuring prioritization of action to address the health impacts of climate change Building on existing policies, NAPA experiences and on LAPA, Nepal successfully launched its National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process in September 2015. Back to top. National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Way Forward •Nepal has received funding from GCF (2.9 Million USD) for completing the NAP process. NAPA National Adaptation Programme of Action NCDs Non-Communicable Diseases NDHS Nepal Demographic Health Survey NER Net Enrolment Rate NGOs Non-Government Organizations NMR Neonatal Mortality Rate NPC National Planning Commission NRB Nepal … The groundwork for supporting NAPs is considered, covering the policy, planning and budgetary framework, priority adaptation sectors, climate assessments, the implementation of adaptation actions and plans thus far. This is especially true for Nepal, a least developed country, where a high percentage of the population is dependent on agriculture for its livelihoods. And it continues prioritizing climate change adoption interventions at local levels. The national and international events as a key messenger for DRR cohesion, promotion and adaptation have been identified and detailed in the report, with their key messages and In Nepal, NAPA was developed with three components: … NAP National Adaptation Plan NARMIN National Association of Rural Municipality in Nepal NDAC National Development Action Committee NDC Nationally Determined Contribution NER Net Enrolment Rate NGO Non-governmental Organization NHSS-IP National Health Sector Strategy Implementation Plan NLFS Nepal Labour Force Survey NPC National Planning Commission level, Constitution of Nepal 2015, National Health Policy of Nepal 2014, Health Sector Strategy (2015-2020), National Population Policy 2014 as well as National Climate Change Policy 2011 have guided to prepare and implement the national climate change health adaptation strategies and action plan. This National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) is a key step forward towards achieving this goal. agreements to which Nepal is a Party. Read more stories. The Support to Rural Livelihoods and Climate Change Adaptation in the Himalaya (Himalica) initiative of the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) successfully organized an exposure visit to Bhutan from 23–28 July 2017 for working group members of the National Adaption Plan (NAP) of Nepal. Nepal's National Adaptation Plan of Action (NAPA) prepared in 2010 also recognizes that climate will be uncertain and vulnerability will increase. ... One issue which arose repeatedly was the need to differentiate between the Health National Adaptation Plan process and the Health National Adaptation Plan which emerges as a result of this process. The document describes the specific objectives of the action plan and its implementation strategy, which aims to overall reduce vulnerability and enhance adaptation measures to minimize health impacts from climate change and variability in Nepal by 2020. Abstract. BACKGROUND: _____ Nepal is a country located in one of the climatic hotspots, the Himalayan region. Nepal is among the leading countries to have made efforts to enhance climate change awareness and to have initiated a government-led process with representation from multi-stakeholders to identify adaptation needs at local and national levels. Apar Paudyal (Syanda Village, Humla district, Nepal:photo taken Oct 18 2011) In 2010, at the 16th Conference of Parties (COP 16) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) it was agreed to assist Parties to formulate and implement National Adaptation Plans (NAP) as a means of (a) identifying medium- and long-term adaptation… NCCSP I implemented LAPAs in 100 villages covered 14 districts. Slow- … The NAP process is gaining momentum with support from the Green Climate Fund and is expected to deliver a NAP document for the country by later in 2020. Closely aligned with the GON’s Three Year Nepal Biodiversity Strategy and the National Adaptation Plan of Action, Hariyo Ban provides policy support at the national and sub-national levels to promote biodiversity conservation, sustainable forest management, and climate change adaptation for poverty alleviation and economic growth. In the earlier phase of NCCSP (2013-17), the programme was guided by the National Adapatation Programme of Action (NAPA) and National Framework on Local Adaptation Plans for Action (LAPA). This country brief focuses on the process to formulate and implement National Adaptation Plans in Nepal. Adaptation actions. challenge, the Government of Nepal has prioritized its response through policy instruments such as Climate Change Policy – 2011, National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) – 2010, and national framework on Local Adaption Plan for Action (LAPA), 2011. Apr 2016. The process engages ministry-led Thematic Working Groups and aims to be participatory and transparent by promoting local ownership and extensive consultation. Nepal’s improved and high quality NDC is estimated to cost USD28.4 billion, or over 90 percent of GDP. This is the first significant intervention on climate change adapatation in Nepal. We are developing a National Adaptation Plan and corresponding Climate Finance Strategy and Roadmap by 2021. Rwanda, Nepal and Cambodia Working Paper No. Nepal is in the formulation phase of its National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process, which aims to reduce the country’s vulnerability to climate change and to facilitate the integration of climate change adaptation in policies, programs and activities across sectors and levels (MoPE, 2016b). Nepal’s NAP process aims at identifying the medium- and long-term adaptation needs of the country and developing a framework to address those adaptation needs through concrete implementation and financing strategies. Health National Adaptation Plan (H-NAP) Climate Change Health Adaptation Strategies and Action Plans of Nepal (2017-2021. Share. Another topic which attracted great interest was indicators for measuring progress in adaptation to climate change. Report. Q: What should we expect from the upcoming National Adaptation Plan, NAP? For instance, in Nepal various policies aimed at Disaster Relief and Response and Climate Change Adaptation, but lacked substantive policy instruments and resources. Inception Workshop Report: Nepal Jun 2017. In addition, due to the increasing development process, Nepal has NAP should clearly state the current situation of country’s adaptation need and areas of vulnerability. Nepal - Integrating gender in climate risk assessment and adaptation planning Nepal launches new project to minimize climate change impacts on agriculture MORE+. In 2015, Nepal launched a process to formulate and implement a National Adaptation Plan (NAP) to address medium and long-term adaptation needs and reduce climate vulnerabilities. Local Adaptation Plans for Action (LAPA) is expected to provide the effective delivery of adaptation services to the most climate vulnerable areas and people. Its VI.Educate the broader Nepali population about global warming impacts and adaptation strategies. Climate change adaptation activities are being implemented in Nepal in line with the government's climate change policy, 201 0, National Adaptation Programme for Action (NAPA), 2011 and National Framework on Local Adaptation Plans for Action, 2011. National Adaptation Programmes of Action Credit: UNFCCC In implementing Article 4.9 of the Convention, the COP, in 2001, established the least developed countries (LDC) work programme, that included the national adaptation programmes of action (NAPAs), to support LDCs to address the challenge of climate change given their particular vulnerability. Video: Multisectoral collaboration is essential for national adaptation – Lekha Nath Acharya, Nepal. Elements. The National Action Plan hinges on the development and use of new technologies. • Review existing economic appraisal methods suitable for CC adaptation planning (e.g. Nepal’s participation in global and international forums. Theme. NAPA National Adaptation Plan of Action NCERT Nepal Computer Emergency Response Team NDLI National Digital Literacy Initiative QoS Quality of service RTDF Rural Telecommunications Development Fund ITES IT-enabled Services BPO Business Process Outsourcing NTIS Nepal … Measures. Nepal has submitted its NDCs to the UNFCCC in October 2016, and is trying to mainstream climate change into all sectors. Understanding that NAPA is intended to reduce climate change vulnerabilities through urgent and immediate actions, the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process has been put forward to address The analysis reviewed the context of climate change and agrobiodiversity in Nepal. the country’s Five-Year Plan and to other sectoral plans and policies. Back to top. The adaptation programme prioritized in the NAPA, the BCCSAP and the NDC is now under implementation. A key challenge in climate change adaptation in developing countries as a whole, and to handling global change in particular, is to link local adaptation needs on the one hand, with national adaptation initiatives on the other, so that vulnerable households and communities can directly benefit. We are developing a National Adaptation Plan and corresponding Climate Finance Strategy and Roadmap by 2021. SynopsisThe Nepalese government lacks crucial information and evidence necessary for climate change adaptation decision making. Nepal's National Adaptation Plan of Action (NAPA) prepared in 2010 also recognizes that climate will be uncertain and vulnerability will increase. If conventional farming practices remain unchanged it could result in agricultural yield decreases of … NAPA is a strategic tool to assess climate vulnerability and systematically respond to climate change adaptation issues by developing appropriate adaptation … The Nepal component of the global NAP-Ag project supports the Government of Nepal to comprehensively integrate climate change risks and opportunities in agricultural planning and budgeting and to integrate sectoral strategies and priorities into the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process. Nepal. Adaptation Nepal’s National Adaptation Plan Process (NAP) In 2010, the Government of Nepal approved National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA). ... Nepal, Gambia, Rwanda, Sudan, Senegal and Togo. Report. General circulation models indicate an overall increase in precipitation in Nepal … Government of Nepal introduced a dedicated climate change budget code to channel funding for climate change activities from the centre to the local levels. adaptation through the National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA), and through it, to address medium- and long-term adaptation. The Program supports the government’s National Adaptation Program of Action (2007) and the Kiribati Development Plan (2008-11), which identify improved management of water resources and strengthened coastal resilience as national priorities. Nepal is in the formulation phase of its National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process, which aims to reduce the country’s vulnerability to climate change and to facilitate the integration of climate change adaptation in policies, programs and activities across sectors and levels. Kathmandu Responsibilities: 1. The Government of Nepal (GoN) has recognised climate change adaptation as fundamental to safeguarding climate vulnerable communities and ecosystems. The Government of Nepal has recognized climate change adaptation as fundamental to safeguarding vulnerable communities, ecosystems, and relevant climate-sensitive sectors from the impacts of climate change. As a response to the request of the Government of Nepal, UNEP is executing the Green Climate Fund (GCF) funded project entitled “Building Capacity to Advance National Adaptation Plan Process in Nepal. MONITORING AND EVALUATION OF CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION IN NEPAL: A REVIEW OF NATIONAL SYSTEMS 1. fective at mainstrea- to the national level) currently being piloted Such information is likely to be gleaned from They describe ming climate change in Nepal: Local Adaptation Plans of Action how adaptation plan- adaptation at the vulnerable communities themselves. Nepal is highly vulnerable to global climate change, despite its negligible emission of global greenhouse gases. National Framework on Local Adaptation Plans for Action - Nepal. Nepal is already a country vulnerable to natural disasters particularly floods and landslides. Synthesis of the Stocktaking Report for the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Formulation Process in Nepal This document is prepared to facilitate the process of developing a common understanding on the ‘Vulnerability and Risk Assessment (VRA)’ methodological framework and tools for Nepal’s NAP formulation process. The National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) in 2009–2010 identified national adaptation priorities, aspects of which are now being taken forward by various projects supported by the development partners, e.g. The impact of climate change (CC) on water resources is likely to affect agricultural systems and food security. This report reflects on Nepal’s NAP process so far, at a time when the […] Back to top. Summary of measures undertaken by developing country Parties in the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans as at 20 November 2019 a. 311 CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) Laurie Ashley . Nepal commenced systematic adaptation planning based on the vulnerabilities after the National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) process in 2010. The Ministry of Population and Environment of the Government of Nepal launched a National Adaptation Plan (NAP) formulation process for strengthening climate preparedness and facilitating climate-inclusive planning within existing programmes and policies across sectors. A review of adaptation research confirms their view, identifying Nepal as particularly likely to experience fluctuations in climate (ISET, 2008). Prepare sectoral disaster risk policies, guidelines (e.g. Government of Nepal. Programme highlights 2015–2018. The Programme consists of 3 key outputs: i) implementing 70 Local Adaptation Plan for Actions (LAPAs) in 69 Village Development Committees (VDCs) and 1 municipality of 14 districts in the Mid & Far Western regions of Nepal; ii) Dixit, A. 80+ national stakeholders took stock of the collective efforts of all seven provinces of Nepal on adaptation planning priorities. ... even though the country received approval alongside the Republic of Nepal. Status report from Nepal. To address the adverse effects of climate change, adaptation is included in the key national development plan, the 7th Five Year Plan (2016-2020). The process aims to assist Nepal to reduce its vulnerability to the impacts of climate change by building adaptive capacity and resilience, and by … Moreover, it is also crucial for devising the proper local (district/divisional), national adaptation plan with proper prioritisation of project/programs that would have provision to suit future climatic conditions. National Adaptation Plan (NAPs)Sandeep Chamling RaiSenior Advisor Adaptation PolicyWWF International Organized by: CCNN, CEN & WWF Nepal (17th January 2013) 2. Despite this challenge, there has been significant movement around climate change adaptation in the country, most notably the successful development of the National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) in September 2010 by the Ministry of Environment. Project locations adaptation in the country,1 most notably the successful develop-ment of the National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) in September 2010 by the Ministry of Environment (MOE).2 This case study examines how Nepal’s NAPA process identified urgent and immediate priorities in a situation of significant data gaps and uncertainty. NAPA was developed as a requirement under the UNFCCC to access funding for the most urgent and immediate adaptation needs from the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF).. The Ministry held a capacity building workshop with the stakeholders and experts on Tuesday as part of the preparation of the plan. Bangladesh and India are the two countries most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change over the next 30 years, according to calculations by the British global risks analysis company Maplecroft.. This ccGAP, developed by IUCN in collaboration with the Government of Nepal and diverse stakeholders, has been developed not as an end in itself, but rather as catalyst for further action to be taken through the inclusion of gender in national climate change processes, policy development, decision-making and project development and – implementation. Nepal Climate Change & Development Portal. The process engages ministry-led Thematic Working Groups and aims to be participatory and transparent by promoting local ownership and extensive consultation. Need for local adaptation framework Nepal is a Party to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change prepared nearly two decades back to address the challenges of climate change. In 2015, Nepal launched a process to formulate and implement a National Adaptation Plan (NAP) to address medium and long-term adaptation needs and reduce climate vulnerabilities. the National Adaptation Plan of Action (NAPA - 2007), the Local Adaptation Plan of Action (LAPA - 2010), REDD Readiness Preparedness Proposal (REDD RPP – 2010), and the Nepal Climate Change Policy (2011). CBA, MCA), including efforts in their application national adaptation planning processes and in Nepal. for Nepal’s leaders and resource managers to draft and begin implementing national adaptation plans. An interaction program titled “National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) in Nepalese Context” was organized in Kathmandu to initiate discussion among stakeholders about medium and long term adaptation plans to climate change impacts. World Resources Institute, Washington DC, USA (2012) 12 … Introduction. Here are some of the key take-aways for agriculture. KATHMANDU, Nepal, Feb 16 (IPS) - Raju Pandit Chhetri is one of the most acclaimed climate change policy experts in Nepal and South Asia. Ensure implementation of the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRR&M) Act, Local Governance Act and the National DRR Policy and Strategic Action Plan. As Director of the Prakiriti Resource Centre, an action focused think tank based in Kathmandu, Pandit Cheetri shares his opinion on the latest climate focused policies being undertaken by the Government of Nepal, especially the 2nd Nationally … Information Use in Nepal’s National Adaptation Plan of Action. Nepal’s National Adaptation Plan process ensures a participatory and inclusive process, where no one is left behind and all sectors are consulted. Gender Affairs and M&E Officer for National Adaptation Plan Process in Nepal UN Environment Programme Sep 2019 - Present 1 year 9 months. Adaptation actions. NAP National Adaptation Plan NAPA National Adaptation Program of Action NCCSP Nepal Climate Change Support Programme NDRF National Disaster Response Framework ... in Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) in Nepal are currently formulating and implementing LAPAs in their concerend working Palikas. Report. Climate change is the world’s biggest regressive tax. Agenda1. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Jun 2017. The assessment of impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability in Nepal’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process evaluates how patterns of risk or potential benefit are shifting due to climate change, and considers how impacts and risks related to climate change can be reduced and managed through adaptation. Most discussion focused on slow-onset disasters such as drought, whose results, in the form of water and food shortages and livelihoods lost, can take months or sometimes years to become evident. Within the last 8 years, Nepal has implemented a number of adaptation options, and conducted economic assessment on the impacts of climate change in key economic sectors – water resources and agriculture, and generated and shared knowledge, lessons and learning. It is thus crucial for Nepal’s leaders and resource managers to draft and begin implementing national adaptation plans. Government of Nepal. The report on development of health national adaptation plan for climate change in South-East Asia report is prepared primarily based on the information presented at the WHO training on development of Health National Adaptation Plan for climate change held in Kathmandu, Nepal … Share. Climate Discussion on National Adaptation Plan Formulation Process of Nepal held Monday, 31 st August, 2020: With the objective to update multi stakeholders and to discuss their inputs for the NAP process of Nepal, Clean Energy Nepal organized this climate discussion on Nepal… National Adaptation Plans in focus: Lessons from Nepal This country brief focuses on the process to formulate and implement National Adaptation Plans in Nepal. This month, Nepal joined an exemplary group of nations in submitting its second national climate plan on the eve of the Paris Agreement’s fifth anniversary. In order for such planning to be effective, it is critical to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the anticipated impacts of CC and the institutions potentially involved in the adaptation process.
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