impact evaluation methods ppt

and Methods for Impact Evaluations. An impact evaluation provides information about the impacts produced by an intervention - positive and negative, intended and unintended, direct and indirect. The third is a Outcome evaluations (or impact evaluations) focus on the questions that ask what happened to program participants and how much of a difference the program made for them. provide a menu of M&E methods that different WEE program implementers and funders can use to meet their individual needs. • IE are retrospective in that it logically occur at an end-point. . . The other notes in this series are: Linking Monitoring & Evaluation to Impact Evaluation; Introduction to Mixed Methods in Impact Evaluation; and Use of Impact Evaluation . Impact evaluation is the main means for empirically testing what actually happens when interventions are implemented. Make a note of the difference between 'simple', 'complicated' and 'complex' projects and how each type will require a different approach to impact evaluation. It describes how the evaluation of project achievements improves decision-making, organizational learning, accountability and impact. Impact Method 4 - Randomised Evaluation: Effect: 3% increase in vaccinations but the estimate is not statistically significant at the 5% level 0 4% 8% Average Change in Income Area: >5% We cannot tell whether the observed increase is due to chance or an actual increase in income . This work is increasingly important as the global development community works to reduce poverty and achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Accra, GhanaJuly 18-29, 2016 Evaluation is the process of determining the worth of a program. USAID Definition of Impact Evaluation (Part 1) • Impact evaluations measure the change in a development outcome… - Focused on higher level results (outcomes) rather than inputs and outputs • E.g. With financial support from the Rockefeller Foundation, InterAction is developing a four-part series of guidance notes and webinars on impact evaluation. This note reviews the key concepts and tools available to do sound impact evaluation. Outline of this Chapter: Project evaluation at JICA has four types of project cycles: ex-ante evaluation, mid-term evaluation, terminal evaluation and ex-post evaluation. The PowerPoint PPT presentation: "Introduction to Impact evaluation: Methods" is the property of its rightful owner. . This resource gives an overview and non-technical introduction to randomized evaluations. USAID Definition of Impact Evaluation - Review • Impact Evaluations are based on models of cause and effect … - Requires a causal theory of change • E.g. There are a variety of evaluation designs, and the type of evaluation should match the development level of the program or program activity appropriately. To better understand these effects, we conducted a rapid informal survey of evaluation researchers in East Africa via email. That report, which including annexes exceeded 120 pages, was intentionally more technical and more geared to evaluation specialists rather than managers and practitioners. Evaluation is a process that critically examines a program. Impact evaluation in the development context Been associated with poverty, gender and environment effects, using mixed methods with bias toward qualitative But growing tide of quantitative impact evaluation. A program's outcome can be defined as "the state of the target population or the social conditions that a program is expected to have changed . 6) Select and Implement the . The 2012 report provides an additional point of reference for those wishing to further deepen DE works best when those engaged feel ownership of the process and can creatively adapt to local contexts. Chapter 11. Ex post impact evaluation framework What we mean by 'ex post impact evaluation' 3.7 There is a range of ways in which we can measure the impact of an intervention. Although other kinds of evaluation may cover one or more of the features in the list below, an impact evaluation would normally be expected to cover all of them (Stern 2015, Perrin 2012, Rogers 2012, ActionAid 2016). University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. EA techniques: Concerned . Using the RIAM method, public participation is carried out at the data collection and mitigation stages of the process. Effectiveness of IFAD Operations", for presentation to IFAD's management and Executive Board. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has affected virtually every sphere of life across the world, including impact evaluations. Impact evaluations provide information about the impacts produced by an intervention. 6. Section 3 outlines the methods of dealing with endogeneity. Impact evaluations can range from large scale sample surveys in which project populations and control groups are compared before and after, and possibly at several points during program intervention; to small-scale rapid assessment and participatory appraisals where estimates of impact are obtained from combining group interviews, key . This is the first guidance note in a four-part series of notes related to impact evaluation developed by InterAction with financial support from the Rockefeller Foundation. The formal literature on impact evaluation methods and practices is large, with a few useful overviews. Read a presentation on . After all, if you can't measure it, you can't improve it. A plan must be made to accurate evaluate any type of program, whether it is a training course or concerns the effectiveness of and customer satisfaction with a new product. Using these types of evaluation can help your program deliver better results and have a greater impact, all while reducing costs! Title: Slide 1 Day Two: Introduce various methods of evaluation data collection - qualitative and quantitative - including strengths and weaknesses of each method (Chapters 3-6). agents serve as useful extrapolation devices for ex ante evaluations. It uses both qualitative and quantitative approaches, and probative confidence updating, to assess the strength of confidence in the evidence for a specified story of change or causal mechanism. focus groups, short-answer or open-ended questionnaires. Both qualitative and quanti-tative methods can be used within the design of an evaluation. 3.0 Methods for Environmental Impact Assessment Changes in the practice of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and advances in information . Evaluation Types When to use What it shows Why it is useful Impact evaluation can be undertaken of a programme or a policy, or upstream work - such as capacity . Our experts design experimental and quasi-experimental evaluations using qualitative and quantitative research methods to test what approaches work best and why. •Develop evaluation goals/purposes •Develop evaluation questions •Review academic and quantitative data available (national and local) •Discuss and agree on: best data collection method(s) (focus group, letter-writing, diaries, interviews, etc. 2. 5. Evaluation Framework Risk & Impact Assessment Final Decision Implementation Use/Operation FEEDBACK Maintenance/ Monitoring PROJECT EVALUATION Multi-Criteria Analysis Best Option 7) Monitor Performance Strategy >> Program >>Project Market Demand Analysis 6 7 Figure by MIT OCW. An impact evaluation relies on rigorous methods to determine the changes in outcomes which can be attributed to a specific intervention based on cause-and-effect analysis. An introduction to Impact Evaluation Markus Goldstein Poverty Reduction Group The World Bank 2 parts Impact evaluation methods Impact evaluation practicalities: IE and the project cycle Use rural project examples Outline - methods Monitoring and impact evaluation Why do impact evaluation Why we need a comparison group Methods for constructing the comparison group When to do an impact . This book reviews quantitative methods and models of impact evaluation. Yet there is a need to put the theory into practice in a hands-on fashion for . This resource highlights work from a variety of contexts, including . A PRACTICAL GUIDE FOR EALUATORS AND ADMINISTRATORS FOREWORD SOCIAL IMPLEMENTING DEVELOPMENTAL EVALUATION 2 IMPACT 1DE Tensions Ownership tension. The impact evaluation model can support this process by helping . c. b. Abstract. The chapter clarifies roles and responsibilities and sets out the procedures for managing project evaluations. The economic evaluation has to be made If the intervention is expected to have under the real conditions. Since each The data sheet/ fact sheet must reveal information about the job that is in line with the JE parameters. evaluation methods) and on the development of the ToR, selection criteria for the evaluation team, review of the evaluation plan and draft evaluation . Choosing an Impact Evaluation Method 187 Determining Which Method to Use for a Given Program 187 How a Program's Rules of Operation Can Help Choose an Impact Evaluation Method 188 A Comparison of Impact Evaluation Methods 193 Finding the Smallest Feasible Unit of Intervention 197 Chapter 12. Start with what you have 13 2.5. This is often the case with impact evaluations that try to assess the impact of an individual project or programme. Explain why strategy evaluation is complex, sensitive, and yet essential for organizational success. Outcome and Impact Assessment. Please adapt the PowerPoint presentation, exercises, examples and handouts in advance of your workshop. Matching Chapter 7 PPT Link Combining Methods Chapter 8 PPT - Evaluating Multifaceted Programs Chapter 9 PPT - Part III: How to Implement an Impact Evaluation Operationalizing the Impact Evaluation Design Chapter 10 PPT Link Choosing the Sample Chapter 11 PPT Link. As this design is used for an external evaluation process, all researchers are independent of the MoH and its implementation team. You've invested a great deal of resources into employee training and development.And with that comes an expectation to measure its impact. Develop methods for effectively collecting data to answer the evaluation questions. Qualitative methods may be employed for formative and process evaluations, e.g. However, "impact evaluation" implies a structured test of one or more hypotheses underlying an intervention. Some basic terminology has been adopted to aid in the presentation and comparison of methods: An activity is the basic element of a project or plan that has potential to affect any aspect of the Impact evaluation methods: Qualitative Methods. The choice of the method to use depends on the nature of the expected health effects of the interventions under study. How to build impact evaluation into M&E thinking and practices 7 2.1. Separate data sheets/ fact sheets can be created for each unique job for the purpose of JE 3. Monitoring and evaluation, and impact evaluation methods. Please adapt the PowerPoint presentation, exercises, examples and handouts in advance of your workshop. 4. Mixed Methods. If so, share your PPT presentation slides online with • However, qualitative counterfactual methods are useful especially in the early phase of RDP design • Elimination and analysis of biases in comparison settings improve considerably the quality of evaluation results • Nature of an environmental impact (public good) to be evaluated affects considerably applicable methods and methodology The main types of evaluation are process, impact, outcome and summative evaluation. The impact evaluation should be based on data accumulated for at least 12 months of program activities. An impact evaluation provides information about the impacts produced by an intervention - positive and negative, intended and unintended, direct and indirect. Both of these stages are directly followed by quality control measures during the analysis and program monitoring stages. You're all about improvement, so you're looking for a guide that'll tell you everything you need to know about how to evaluate a training program. The impact evaluation design presented in this article was developed by a multi-institutional team of researchers. The demonstration sites were required to submit their evaluation reports in their 18th month. The impact evaluation model can support this process by helping . Next you will have to develop and pilot the instruments and protocols you will use under each method. 3. evaluation consists of assessing outcomes and, thus, the short or medium-term developmental change resulting from an intervention. It involves collecting and analyzing information about a program's activities, characteristics, and outcomes. results framework, logical framework, development hypothesis • …and require a credible and rigorously defined counterfactualto control for factors other than the that can be applied to future programming . Discuss the importance of contingency planning in strategy evaluation. The evaluation of community engagement may need both qualitative and quantitative methods because of the diversity of issues addressed (e.g., population, type of project, and goals). Gustavo AngelesMEASURE Evaluation. Identify priorities for undertaking impact evaluation 10 2.3. The. •Develop evaluation plan •Recruit evaluation subjects •Implement evaluation activities Impact Evaluation: Presentation to DAC Evaluation Working Group, Paris, June 2, 2005 Howard White .
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